May is Mental Health Month

 The month of May is also known as Mental Health Awareness Month. Mental Health Awareness Month has existed long before social media. This awareness was first observed in 1949, with the intent to help to promote mental health education and support, with the goal of decreasing the stigma that is so often associated with mental illness. Millions of people have experienced stress, trauma, anxiety and heightened levels of depression. This month let’s prioritize our mental wellbeing!

It is always important to prioritize your mental wellbeing. Here are some ways that can help:

  • Remain hopeful. Find things to be grateful about. You could start a gratitude journal, or keep notes in a gratitude jar.

  • Practice mindfulness and self-compassion.

  • Get the facts but monitor the time you spend watching the news,

  • Eat healthy and exercise, maybe not the time to go on a strict diet or exercise regime, find a way to make small changes such as eating less of the “bad food” or going on walks.

  • Focus on what you can do to stay prepared.

  • Be fun and creative while at home (e.g., dance, listen to music, small house projects, journaling).

  • Setting a routine/structure to the day can combat boredom.

  • Create a healthy morning and evening routine.

  • Know when to seek professional help.

May is Mental Health Awareness month. This month and every month, continue the mental health movement by speaking out, sharing stories, and showing others that they are not alone


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